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The Lyme Disease Research Center at Columbia University
The Lyme Disease Research Center will use the vast
resources of Columbia University in New York to address
fundamental clinical and basic science questions that
plague adults and children affected by Lyme disease
(LD). While much is known about early Lyme disease, very
little is known about chronic Lyme disease, despite its
rising prevalence and disabling effects. These effects
may include arthritis, cognitive loss, peripheral
neuropathies, and debilitating fatigue. Rarely, LD may
also cause strokes, blindness, severe psychiatric
disorders, and multiple-sclerosis-like illnesses.
Children may be home sick for months or years, missing
the key academic and social influences so critical to
healthy development.
Our clinical and research mission includes studies of
new diagnostic tests, clinical phenomenology,
immunopathogenesis, co-infections, genetic markers of
vulnerability, functional and structural brain imaging,
neuoropathology of post-mortem brains, and
well-controlled studies of new treatments. This Center,
the first such facility in the world devoted to chronic
Lyme disease, will serve as a national resource,
providing pilot grants to researchers nation-wide and
focusing the latest scientific technology on helping to
resolve the problems of chronic Lyme disease.
Researchers at Columbia are now completing analysis on a
5 year NIH-funded study of the pathophysiologic effects
of Lyme disease on the brain and whether a repeated
longer course of IV antibiotic therapy helps to reverse
the cognitive and physical dysfunction experienced by
previously treated patients.
Brian A. Fallon, MD
Columbia University
I am writing with an
urgent appeal concerning the most prevalent vector-borne
disease in the US, reported in 49 states and the
District of Columbia, and the most prevalent
vector-borne bacterial disease in the world, Lyme
disease. The CDC admits Lyme is vastly underreported
nationally at almost 24,000 reported cases in
2002–representing about 240,000 actual cases that year,
an astounding 40% increase over the prior year.
Lyme disease can be acquired in your own backyard. It
often attacks more than one family member, with children
a high risk. Risky behavior includes petting the dog,
jogging or playing outdoors, golfing, and even bringing
home a live Christmas tree. 10-15% of those with the
Lyme bacteria progress to chronic Lyme disease. Other
tick-borne diseases may result from the same tick bite.
Despite this staggering data, little monies are spent
for research. Therefore, the Lyme Disease Association (LDA)
and its affiliate, Time for Lyme (TFL*) have reached an agreement with
Columbia University to fund an endowed Lyme disease research center at
Columbia, the first in the world devoted to the study of chronic Lyme
disease. Over 90% of $3 million required to fully open the center has been
raised. Some Lyme disease research using state-of-the-art brain scans is
already underway.
*Formerly Greenwich Lyme Disease Task Force
Don’t let Lyme disease destroy your life and the lives
of your family and friends. Help us open the Columbia
Center by sending a tax-deductible contribution today.
Together, we can fund the cure.
Patricia V. Smith Diane
Blanchard Deb Siciliano
President, LDA
Co-Presidents, TFL