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Federal Bills S 1708 / HR 741 
Lyme & Tick-Borne Disease Prevention, Education & Research Act of 2007 

What are the Bills? | Actions You Can Take | Legislators Signed On | Organizations in Support of the Bills

LDA Groups' Letter to Senate | LDA Groups' Letter to House

What are the Bills?

• End of 2006, the 109th Congress ended. All bills not acted upon died including the Lyme bills (S 1479 and HR 3427). At that time, there was strong congressional support with 83 co-sponsors in the House and 12 in the Senate. All our efforts made a BIG impact.

• The 110th Congress convened, and on January 31, 2007, an identical bill*, HR 741, was introduced in the House. 
     *except for dates which have been updated

House Bill Sponsor's Press Release

• On June 27, 2007 bill S 1708, the senate version, was introduced.

• As of 3/10/08 the house bill, HR 741, has 106 co-sponsors while the Senate bill, S 1708, has 14 co-sponsors.

• Both bills are sitting in committee. 
House bill HR 741 is sitting in the Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee.
Senate bill S 1708 is sitting in the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) committee.

• If not acted upon these bills will die on 12/31/08 and we will have to start from scratch again.

• We MUST get these bills put on both committee calendars for a hearing by June 2008 or there won’t be enough time to get them through all the other bill stages.  

 Actual Bill Text:  Click Bill # and type S 1708 or HR 741.

Actions You Can Take

CALL TO ACTION 2008 #4 ( June 13, 2008 )
Pat Smith, President, Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (LDA)
Lyme & Tick-Borne Disease Prevention Education & Research Act of 2007     S-1708 / HR-741  
As you know, the Lyme bills are being held hostage by IDSA & congress.  The IDSA (Infectious Diseases Society of America ) does not want your voice heard and has made that clear to Congress. We must make patient voices heard. You need to be counted.  We are hearing that many congressmen and senators have heard about this Lyme/IDSA issue but they have still not acted.  Only you can reverse that situation.  There may still be a chance for the July agenda. Don’t let IDSA control your health!  

Who: All
Individuals, organizations, doctors
June 13-27
  Contact the following Congressmen and Senators (6 total)
Please call them.  Second choice fax if there is a listed fax number
 The House Health Subcommittee (part of Energy & Commerce Committee) and Senate HELP Committee are where the Lyme disease bills are, and if the Committee chairs do not release the bills for a vote, the bills will die.  

1.       Call Your Personal Congressman   Find  your own US Representative  
Sample Phone Blurb

I’m calling to ask Congressman (NAME) to contact Frank Pallone, House Health Subcommittee Chair. Tell
him to schedule a hearing on HR 741, the Lyme bill.  Currently, the Committee is not scheduling the bill but is bowing to a powerful medical society (IDSA) that has been investigated by the Attorney General of Connecticut and found to have substantial conflicts of interest regarding Lyme disease treatment guidelines. The Lyme bill does not focus on treatment, but research monies to find a gold standard test for Lyme, and it establishes a federal advisory committee based on a common model for federal committees, which includes patient representation. IDSA does not want patients to have a voice in their own disease. I need your help today. Call Mr. Pallone and tell him you represent me and expect me to have a voice in Lyme disease issues and to post the bill.  (leave your name, address, contact)  

2.       Call Congressman Dingell (MI), Chair of Energy & Commerce (P) 202-225-4071 / (F) 202-226-0371
Sample Phone Blurb
I’m calling to ask Congressman Dingell to contact Frank Pallone, House Health Subcommittee Chair. Tell him to schedule a hearing on HR 741, the Lyme bill.  Currently, the Committee is not scheduling the bill but is bowing to a powerful medical society (IDSA) that has been investigated by the Attorney General of Connecticut and found to have substantial conflicts of interest regarding Lyme disease treatment guidelines. The Lyme bill does not focus on treatment, but research monies to find a gold standard test for Lyme, and it establishes a federal advisory committee based on a common model for federal committees, which includes patient representation. IDSA does not want patients to have a voice in their own disease. I need your help today. Call Mr. Pallone and tell him to post the bill and give patients the voice they deserve to have.  (leave your name, address, contact info)

3.   Call Congressman Frank Pallone (NJ) Health Subcommittee Chair (P) 202-225-4671 (F) 202-225-9665
Sample Phone Blurb

I’m calling to ask Congressman Pallone to schedule the Lyme bill for a hearing today! He has made a grave mistake in siding with the IDSA which has been investigated and discredited. The IDSA Guidelines’ settlement is a treatment issue unrelated to the bill which asks for research money to find a gold standard test and for a patient voice on a federal advisory committee which is a common model for federal advisory committees. Mr. Pallone’s job is to help patients not support an investigated, discredited medical society. (leave your name, address, contact info)  

4.   Call Your Personal US Senators (2) today Find your own 2 senators: 
Sample Phone Blurb
I’m calling to ask Senator (NAME) to contact US Senator Edward Kennedy, Senate HELP Committee Chair. Tell him to schedule a hearing on S-1708, the Lyme bill.  Currently, the Committee is not scheduling the bill but is bowing to a powerful medical society (IDSA) that has been investigated by the Attorney General of Connecticut and found to have substantial conflicts of interest regarding Lyme disease treatment guidelines. The Lyme bill does not focus on treatment, but research monies to find a gold standard test for Lyme, and it establishes a federal advisory committee based on a common model for federal committees, which includes patient representation. IDSA does not want patients to have a voice in their own disease. I need your help today. Call Senator Kennedy and tell him you represent me and expect me to have a voice in Lyme disease issues. (leave your name, address, contact)  

5.   Call US Senator Edward Kennedy (MA) Senate HELP Committee Chair   (202) 224 4543 (P)     (202) 224-2417 (F)
Sample Phone Blurb

I’m calling to ask Senator Kennedy to schedule the Lyme bill for a hearing today!  By not holding a hearing, he is ignoring the plight of patients and listening to the IDSA, which has been investigated and discredited. The IDSA Guidelines’ settlement is a treatment issue unrelated to the bill which asks for research money to find a gold standard test and for a patient voice on a federal advisory committee which is a common model for federal advisory committees. Senator Kennedy’s job is to help patients not support an investigated, discredited medical society. (leave your name, address, contact info)

Finished with the above action alert?  Do you want to do more? 
Please contact federal representatives from your state that sit on the House Energy & Commerce Committee and the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee.  

Click on each state to find which committee members are from your state, contact info, sample phone & e-mail blurb. 

Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Florida | Georgia | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Mississippi Missouri | Nebraska | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York
North Carolina | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | Tennessee | Texas Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | Wisconsin | Wyoming   

Note: Some states do not have representatives on either of the two committees therefore they are not listed here. Please click here for other actions we would like you to take.    

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Actions Needed by Individuals

1. Find out who your own US Representative and your 2 senators are:  

• Determine if they are signed on as a co-sponsor to S 1708 / HR 741.  

• If they are not signed onto the bill, call their Washington, DC offices, and follow up with an email or a fax if you can. Email or fax instead of calling if you’re not comfortable calling.   

• For sample blurbs and other information click one of the links below.  

  Sample phone blurbs & letters 
Helpful background material

2, If you have comments about your contacts with legislators that you would like share with us, e-mail [email protected].  

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Actions Needed by Lyme Organizations (not for individuals)

1.   Click here to see if your organization has signed on showing support for "The Lyme & Tick-Borne Disease Prevention, Education & Research Act of 2007", S 1708 and companion bill HR 741.  Over 117 groups representing more than 30 states have signed on in support!

2.   If your group is not signed on, click here to SIGN UP.

3.   Call ALL US Senators and House Representatives that reside in your advocacy area.  
• Determine if they are signed on as a co-sponsor to S 1708 / HR 741.
• If they are not signed onto the bill, CALL their
Washington , DC offices, and follow with an email or a fax if you can. Email or fax instead of calling if you’re not comfortable calling. 
• For sample blurbs and other information click one of the links below.

        Sample phone blurbs & letters 
Helpful background material

4.  If you have comments about your contacts with legislators that you would like share with us, e-mail [email protected].

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Legislators Signed On

Click on each state to find its congressional delegation, contact information, and who has signed onto the bill. 

Alabama | Alaska | American Samoa | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado
| Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Guam | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois 
Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan
Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey
New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania Puerto Rico | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont Virginia | Virgin Islands | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming 

House of Representatives | Senators   

Click on each of the committees below to find out which congressional committee members are currently supporting the bill.

Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee
House Energy & Commerce Committee

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Organizations in Support of the Bills

To see the Lyme groups, non-Lyme groups & notables supporting these bills click the link below. 

Federal Legislation: $100 Million for Lyme Research & Education

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Last Modified: June 16, 2008

Lyme Disease Association, New Jersey, Copyright 2008 - All Rights Reserved