Lyme Disease Association, Inc. Readiness through recognition, prevention and education.


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Lyme Disease Association Archives: 2010

Pennsylvania House Majority Policy Committee Hearing on Lyme Disease
On December 2, 2009, PA Representative Mathew Bradford hosted a hearing on Lyme disease. LDA was invited to testify as was LDA SEPA, an LDA affiliate and several other Lyme groups. The Committee heard several hours of testimony and then heard from local residents many of whom had children sick with Lyme disease. The Committee makes recommendations to the Pennsylvania House about issues affecting residents across the state after conducting hearings in various locations, of whom had children sick with Lyme disease.

Lyme & Other Tick-Borne Diseases: 34 Years from Lyme, Connecticut Across the Nation
Jointly Sponsored by Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons 8.75 CMEs
For physicians and healthcare providers, but public invited to register also

Speakers include, morning: Ben Beard, CDC, Lyme Disease in the United States; Kerry Clark, University of North Florida, Southern Tick-Borne Infections; Susan E. Little, Oklahoma State University, Dogs as Sentinels of Tick-Borne Infection; X. Frank Yang, Indiana University School of Medicine, Genetic Regulation of Borrelia Genes; from the Medical College of Virginia at Virginia Commonwealth University, Christopher Earnhart, Lyme Disease Vaccine Development: An Update on Recent Progress & Richard Marconi, Immune Evasion Mechanisms of Pathogenic Spirochetes (Co-Course Director).

In the afternoon: Amiram Katz, MD, Yale University, IV Immunoglobulin and Autoimmune Disease in Lyme Peripheral Neuropathy; Robert Dantzer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign From Inflammation to Sickness Behavior: The Role of Cytokines; and from Columbia University, Phyllis Faust, Tick-Borne Encephalitis – A Fatal Case, Patrick McAuliffe, Neuropsychological Deficits in Children and the School System, Brian A. Fallon, New Research Findings on Neuropsychiatric Lyme Disease (Co-Course Director).; Diane M. Gubernot, OBRR/CBER/FDA, Babesia Infection and the US Donor Blood Supply; Peter Hildenbrand, Lahey Medical Center Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Lyme Disease, John Costello, Harvard Medical School, Lyme Carditis in Children

Sussex County (NJ) Lyme Disease Support Group
Fight Against Lyme 2009, Saturday, May 30, 2009, 1:00pm-4:00pm
Please join the group for its first awareness event at Sacred Heart Spirituality Center, 20 Old Swartswood Road, Newton, NJ 07860. Education & fun for everyone! LDA President Pat Smith will be speaking and answering questions.  Representatives from various health care related businesses will be there.  There will be face painting and more. Email for further details.

Under Our Skin May 18, 2009 7-9pm FREE
Sponsored by Health Awareness Center at CentraState Medical Center Star & Barry Tobias Ambulatory Conference Center, 901 W. Main St., Freehold, NJ. Call 732- 308-0570 to register. Showing of Under Our Skin, Opening Lyme disease presentation by Pat Smith, President, Lyme Disease Association, Inc.

Minnesota Lyme Action Support Group “Walk for Those Who Can’t”
3rd annual Walk/Run on May 16, 2009, to raise Lyme Awareness. “Walk for Those Who Can’t.” This helps us to show that for every person at the walk, there are many more people in the U.S. who have Lyme. If you are unable to participate due to distance, disease, etc., we’ll walk for you. Send your first name, initial of your last name, and city/state that you are from, and we’ll make “lyme-green” circles with names to represent each person who e-mails us at [email protected]. MN Lyme Action Support is an affiliate of the Lyme Disease Association.

Spotlight on Lyme 5K Run or Walk in NJ.
Spotlight.JPG (542171 bytes)
Sunday, May 17th, join LDA for its second annual "Spotlight on Lyme" 5K run or walk, this year on the boardwalk at Pier Village in Long Branch, NJ. Come enjoy a beautiful day at the beach and help raise money for research and awareness for Lyme disease. Games, face painting, prizes, food and fun for the whole family! Easy online registration here. E-mail [email protected] with questions. 

Spotlight on Lyme 5K Run or Walk in NJ

Results | Pictures

Photo_2009_Spotlight_046.jpg (19077 bytes)All requests for a t-shirt can be sent to: [email protected]


LDA of Nashville Hosts Lyme Forum
The Lyme Disease Association of Nashville, TN is presenting a free educational Lyme Forum beginning at 5:30pm in Mount Juliet, TN, at the Mount Juliet Community Center located at 1075 Charlie Daniels Parkway. After the opening program from 5:30-7;15, the group will introduce Mrs. Patricia Smith, President of the national Lyme Disease Association, who will discuss the spread of the disease and what's being done about it and answer questions. Email for more details.

CT bill passes Senate. Goes to Governor
Patient groups across Connecticut and the nation were jubilant as the Connecticut Senate passed the Lyme disease doctor protection bill today, 36-0, following its unanimous passage in the Connecticut House of Representatives on April 30, 2009.

Texas LDA asks for help from Texas Residents
Texas is rounding up and moving out to “Give Lyme the Boot”. A Concurrent Resolution, H.C.R. 152 was unanimously and enthusiastically voted out of committee on April 28, and referred to the House calendar for full consideration of an interim study of the status of Lyme disease in Texas. All Texas patients, family, friends and interested parties can support this effort here. 

Time for Lyme Announces
Time for Lyme Dream Gala! Proceeds to fund research & education.
Actors, Musicians and Scientists Unite to Create a Lyme Free World
Auction, Dinner & Dancing to the music of ETA, Black Tie Optional
Saturday, April 18, 2009 • 7:00 p.m.
Hyatt Regency Greenwich, Grand Ballroom, 1800 East Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT
For more information contact us at [email protected].

The Corning/Finger Lakes Area Chapter of the Lyme Disease Association, Inc. is offering a free public presentation entitled, “Lyme Disease: Impacts on Health, Education, and EVERYTHING!” on Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at Corning-Painted Post West High School, 35 Victory Hwy, Painted Post, NY, 14870. This informative program will feature renowned speakers, Richard Horowitz, MD, Hyde Park, NY, and Patricia Smith, President of the national Lyme Disease Association, Inc. The presentation will begin at 6:30 pm and will conclude with a question and answer session at 8:30 pm. This public forum is sponsored by Corning, Inc. Corporate Medical Department, IGeneX, and the Lyme Disease Association, Inc. For additional information, please contact Dr. Lis Heininger at [email protected].

LymeQuest Support Group & Advocacy project presents "UNDER OUR SKIN"
Sunday, March 8th 1 - 4 PM, East Brunswick Library, 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ 08816. The movie will be followed by discussion with author Pamela Weintraub, "CURE UNKNOWN: Inside the Lyme Epidemic" and book-signing. Pat Smith, President of the national Lyme Disease Association, will give a talk on new national Lyme Disease Legislation and related topics. Limited seating, RSVP [email protected].

Lyme Information Network Shows UOS with LDA as Guest Speaker
The Lyme Information Network is proud to present a showing of the Lyme disease documentary, "Under Our Skin", on March 6, 2009 at 6 p.m. at the Old Saybrook High School, Old Saybrook, CT. LDA president Pat Smith is the guest speaker at the event. This showing is the result of the hard work of two high school seniors whose lives have been affected by Lyme and who want to bring this movie to their school as their senior project and as a community service. All are welcome. Free and open to the public. There is ample seating, but please register at  

Connecticut Residents 
H.B. 6200 Moving Forward!!! 
Physician Protection Bill
Urgent Action Needed Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Feb 24, 25, 26, 27!

FREE Georgia Lyme Disease Seminar: A TICK- ING TIME BOMB
Monday, January 19, 2009 at Northminster Presbyterian Church, 2400 Old Alabama Rd, Roswell, GA. Evening events will begin with the showing of Under Our Skin-Documentary from 5-6:30pm. The Lyme seminar will take place from 7-9pm with Pat Smith, President of the national Lyme disease Association as invited key speaker. This purpose of the seminar is to bring prevention and education to everyone in Georgia. Admission is free. All are welcome (recommended teen age through adult). 


Last Modified: May 23, 2010

Lyme Disease Association, New Jersey, Copyright 2010 - All Rights Reserved